The Beginning

Here is where we all start out. We will learn the rules and get to know the plot line. We will also post any questions about the site, rules or characters.
~Rules~ ~General Chat~
INSIDE: Rules, General Chat
Come and make your character! Once you create a character and before you start playing it will need to be accepted. If it is, it will be moved to the accepted board, if not then it will be moved to the rejected board and you will be notified via PM either way. Have fun!
~Accepted Characters~ ~Rejected Chacters~


The Shinling mall is by far the largest in the area. Not much surrounds the more secluded town of Scabior.
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The Green Spire Wood lays to the North of the town of Scabior. A wondrous site where the mortals come to camp and escape the city. Little do they know that the forest holds a dark mysterious secret. It hold the gateway to the land of Ravenswood.
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Alacor is a lush and fertile valley. It is surrounded on three sides by the Zane mountain range. This pristine land is located East of Org, the village of the Asii. Good spirits inhabit this area yet beware for the mountains lay not far away where dangers lurk in th shadows waiting for unsuspecting visitors.
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Zane is a massive mountain range on the outskirts of Alacor. Many of its peaks lay barren and crumbling. Yet there are others that conceal a more sinister presence. Beings lurk in the shadows and hearing the cries of the mountain almost certainly means death is imminent. So beware wanderer of these treacherous paths and canyons, for few have dared to tackle the mountain's mysteries and fewer still have come back to speak of it. These are the legends we know, whether they are true or not we do not know.
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Ork is where the village of the Asii live. They are a gentle folk of shape shifters. They do not turn away those in need, but those looking for trouble will have a lot to answer to. They Asii are highly skilled assassins and have perfected their ways through the centuries.
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Dec 4, 2021 19:19:41 GMT -6
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